Living in the Shadows
We grew up going to church where ordained ministers would hold services on Sundays. Perhaps it was only me, but I saw this as holy men performing holy services on holy days in holy places.
As I’ve continued to study Scripture, I see that my understanding while I was growing up is much closer to the Old Testament than to the New Testament. But, what’s the problem with that? The Old Testament is Scripture too, right?
Yes, but when it comes to things like the temple, the priesthood, the sacrifices, the Sabbath, and other aspects of life as the people of God in the New Testament, the New Testament tells us that these things are shadows of reality, and not reality themselves.
Leadership - Spiritual and Christian
Simplifying Discipleship
At the heart of simple/organic church life is the lifestyle of discipleship (following Jesus) and discipling others. The difficulty is that we often make discipleship far too difficult. When we see discipleship as primarily about imparting knowledge from one to another, then we need an expert (knowledgeable) who also excels at communicating knowledge to another (teaching gift). Many people do not see themselves as qualified enough (not enough knowledge as compared to professionals or those who have attended seminary) and not gifted enough (again, comparing themselves to those with excellent teaching gifts).
The result is that we have turned discipleship over to the professional teachers (pulpiteers and well-known author/teachers) and the programs that these same people develop. In the process we exclude 90% of the Body of Christ from being active disciplers which is exactly what Jesus asked each of us to do.
Fortunately, simple/organic church planters, and those who have studied or experienced church planting movements, have re-discovered the keys to discipleship and have given those keys back to every-day-believers where they belong.
Руководство - Духовное и Христианское
Authentic Relationships
Whenever I read through the gospels I am amazed at how little Jesus said about the church. Only Matthew records him even using the word and then only twice. Why didn't he tell his followers more about how to organize a church, run its ministries and plan its services?
I think I know why. He didn't talk about it is because he was too involved living it. He became a friend to Zaccheus, James, John, Peter, Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Nicodemus, a rejected woman at a well who remained nameless and countless others that came into his proximity. Look at the ways he engaged them, built relationships with them centered in the Father's love and served them with no thought for himself. That was the power of his kingdom and the secret to living in the joy of his family. "I no longer call you servants... I have called you friends," (John 15:15) and in that simple declaration Jesus identified for all time the nature of the relationship God has always desired with those he created-intimate friendship.
The Nut Test
Testimonies from Participants in Jesus Followers Conference
• God spoke to me and my sisters, who were also at the conference, in a way He has not in a long time. And I am happy to share it with you. He reminded me of a simple truth – freedom is only with Christ and in Him. Not a single person, even the best, can give you this freedom. I have often recalled the words of Christ when He said that the Pharisees imposed on people heavy burdens ... I carried such burdens for a long time, but now I have dropped them. In many ways, I am still uncertain, and of course sometimes I'm just scared - what will happen next? - But the joy of freedom I have received is a lot more!
Letters to Nicolay Part 1
As I look at our churches, it does seem that we have become very complex and that you from America have helped us get this way.
There was a time when all that we had was the Bible and prayer. Those were difficult days for us. I remember the early 1990’s when ordinary men and women did very extraordinary things. There was such a spontaneity to our evangelism and starting of new churches – even though many church leaders feared division in the church. Even small groups threatened many church leaders.
About the Site
All across the world, people are gathering in small groups to serve and worship God, be family, and encourage and affect each others lives. These gatherings are called by many names including simple church, organic church, and house church. Whatever you call it, the people involved value incarnational ministry to the lost, living radically for Jesus and each other, and are willing to get rid of anything that gets in the way of being fully devoted followers of Christ.