What is your church learning from God? Looking for Training Opportunities?

Many people regularly visit this site. More and more churches are adding their information to the list of churches on the site. Since many of you are putting into practice the Biblical principles that are discussed on this site, we would love to hear your testimonies of how God is working. What are you learning about incarnational evangelism, making disciples, practical priesthood of all believers, Christ Headship, nonhierarchical leadership, and participatory gatherings? Share just a few sentences, or even more if you would like. Post it under our forum

Also our blog section is a great place to share what God is personally teaching you. If you from time to time or even often write down your thoughts of what you are learning in your relationship with God, please write a blog and share it with the rest of us for our encouragement.

Finally, we have recently been organizing training events for those involved in simple churches. If you are involved in a simple church or a simple church network and would like to hear about training opportunities, please contact Maxim Nikolaev at m.nikolaeff@gmail.com or Timmy Powers at timmy.powers@gcmweb.org

Many people regularly visit this site. More and more churches are adding their information to the list of churches on the site. Since many of you are putting into practice the Biblical principles that are discussed on this site, we would love to hear your testimonies of how God is working. What are you learning about incarnational evangelism, making disciples, practical priesthood of all believers, Christ Headship, nonhierarchical leadership, and participatory gatherings? Share just a few sentences, or even more if you would like. Post it under our forum

Also our blog section is a great place to share what God is personally teaching you. If you from time to time or even often write down your thoughts of what you are learning in your relationship with God, please write a blog and share it with the rest of us for our encouragement.

Finally, we have recently been organizing training events for those involved in simple churches. If you are involved in a simple church or a simple church network and would like to hear about training opportunities, please contact Maxim Nikolaev at m.nikolaeff@gmail.com or Timmy Powers at timmy.powers@gcmweb.org

We are also willing to post announcements of other simple church networks and ministries. Just send the info to one of the above addresses. Thanks!

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    August 19 2010

    About the Site

    All across the world, people are gathering in small groups to serve and worship God, be family, and encourage and affect each others lives. These gatherings are called by many names including simple church, organic church, and house church. Whatever you call it, the people involved value incarnational ministry to the lost, living radically for Jesus and each other, and are willing to get rid of anything that gets in the way of being fully devoted followers of Christ.
