Letters to Nicolay 9

Letters to Nicolay 9

Dear Nicolay,

I have just returned from Ukraine and Georgia. In reality, I am quite discouraged by the political and economic situation in Georgia and I am also discouraged by the gathering of Slavic church leaders who have little vision for revising the current spiritual crisis. They understand the problems, but are totally captured by their resistance to change. As one brother said, “We are victims of our systems.” I pray that God will free us or we will muster the courage to be a radical people – just like Christ?

Letters to Nicolay 9

Dear Nicolay,

I have just returned from Ukraine and Georgia. In reality, I am quite discouraged by the political and economic situation in Georgia and I am also discouraged by the gathering of Slavic church leaders who have little vision for revising the current spiritual crisis. They understand the problems, but are totally captured by their resistance to change. As one brother said, “We are victims of our systems.” I pray that God will free us or we will muster the courage to be a radical people – just like Christ?

There are two subjects which I see as critical for the spiritual health of the churches of the Slavic world. First, the practice of the headship of Christ and second, authentic disciple-making. In this letter I will address the first issue – the headship of Christ.

The headship of Christ refers to the practice of a community of believers following the leadership of the living present Christ. Lordship refers to an individual following the leadership of Christ.

If I were to ask you, Nicolay, is your church under the headship of Christ? You would respond indignantly, “Why, of course it is! How dare you ask such a question?”

But, Nicolay, who plans and directs the Sunday morning and Sunday night worship services – who chooses who will speak, who will sing, what the order is etc…? Nicolay, you do! You are the planner and director of the meeting when you are present. They all look to you.

Likewise, who is in charge of the brothers meeting when you come together to decide issues? Who sets the agenda? Who guides the discussion? How do you settle differences? Majority rule?

What would have to happen or what would we have to believe in order to practice the headship of Christ? Here are several points listed in no particular order:

  • Understand that Christ is alive and wants to be head of His church.
  • Understand that without Christ, we can do nothing.
  • Understand that the church is the body of Christ with every part being equal in importance, but different in function.
  • Understand that only when we die to ourselves, can we function as a Christ-led body.
  • Understand that if we wish Christ to be manifested in our meetings, all of His body needs to participate.
  • Understand that the purpose of coming together is so all of the body of believers can be mutually built up by one another.
  • Understand that every part of the body has something worthwhile to share with all others when we come together.
  • Understand that we are one in Christ, there is no room for division between clergy and laity, men and woman, rich or poor, quick-witted on slow-witted.
  • Understand that Christ works and speaks through every member of his body.
  • Understand that 1 Cor. 14:26 is a picture of the church as it should be.
  • Understand that many of our church traditions: pews, pulpits, choirs do not find their origin in the Scriptures.

Nicolay, it is my firm conviction that if Christ is allowed His rightful place as the Head of His church – we will see a revival of religion whenever it is allowed. We will see a body edified, growing, healthy, vibrant, soul-winning and reproducing.

Nicolay, think about how you can turn the theology of the Headship of Christ into a living practice in your church.

Christ is all,
Rich Correll


This is a series of letters between Rich Correll and Nicolay that bring to light many simple church principles.

Rich Correll has been involved in Ukrainian church planting for 18 years. He pioneered church planting and church planting training in cooperation with many Ukrainian churches. He is currently encouraging simple, organic, reproducing churches. Contact him at: richcpti@gmail.com

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    March 31 2010

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    All across the world, people are gathering in small groups to serve and worship God, be family, and encourage and affect each others lives. These gatherings are called by many names including simple church, organic church, and house church. Whatever you call it, the people involved value incarnational ministry to the lost, living radically for Jesus and each other, and are willing to get rid of anything that gets in the way of being fully devoted followers of Christ.
