Letters to Nicolay Part 1

Writing a letterDear Rich [1],

As I look at our churches, it does seem that we have become very complex and that you from America have helped us get this way.

There was a time when all that we had was the Bible and prayer.  Those were difficult days for us.  I remember the early 1990’s when ordinary men and women did very extraordinary things.  There was such a spontaneity to our evangelism and starting of new churches – even though many church leaders feared division in the church.  Even small groups threatened many church leaders.

How wonderful it was to see both 17 year old young men and a 85 year old men going out and starting churches without being professionals.  Yes, some failed, but some succeeded.

Rich, let me ask you.  What is your evaluation of the last twenty years of church history in Ukraine?  And do you not face similar problems in America?

God bless you,

Dear Nicolay,

Greetings, dear brother, to you and all the brothers and sisters who are united in Christ.  Blessings to all of you and I praise God for your perseverance in the gospel work.

I have just returned from my 105th trip to Ukraine talking about church planting movements, making disciples, reproduction, and simple churches.  These are my observations based on discussions with many of my friends and partners in the gospel work.  Please consider them as you pray about the work:

Sadly, I must say there is not a church planting movement in Ukraine.  We had enjoyed a significant time of addition, in the 1990’s, it was a wonderful movement, but it has passed.
I am grateful that church planting is happening at a few number of churches.  It would be accurate to call it limited addition rather than multiplication.  It is good, but not the best.
I regret that the institutional church does more to hinder than promote multiplication of churches. It is highly resistant to change.  Leaders often have one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake.  They have good hearts, but are captives of the system without a kingdom vision.
Multiplication is not a core value by which we evaluate all that we do – training, education, publishing, leadership development or discipleship.  I wish it were not so.
While I am convinced that simple structures multiply and complex structures do not multiply, few others are similarly convinced or at least willing to leave the complex behind. 
Most are resistant to significant change which multiplication would require.  Bi-vocational pastors/church planters, church plants financed only by Ukrainians, and willingness to forgo a church building are concepts which continue to be rejected by a majority of leaders and church planters.

The good news is there is a slowly growing realization that something is wrong, but few are yet willing to rock the institutional boat.  Gradual, incremental change is valued above multiplication.

I thank God there are a few brave pioneers who are venturing into unknown waters to start reproducing, simple churches.  The results of their work is not yet known.  GO FOR IT!

Nicolay, consider this well:  The health of the church today and tomorrow will be determined by how we deal with the issues of multiplication.  Faith requires us to go to places where we have not been nor cannot see.  We need men and women who are willing to take risks!  Let’s not relive the past.

My prayer is that God will raise up pioneers motivated by their love for the gospel of Christ and the people of Ukraine, and not be bound by traditions which hinder the work of God’s called people – ordinary Christians.  I am grateful to all of my friends who are willing to enter into this conversation.  I am especially grateful to those who are the hands and feet to the “least of these”.  They are an inspiration to me.

Dear Brother Rich,

Your observations are hard to hear.  Many of us are very pleased that our union has more than doubled the number of churches in the last fifteen years.  How can you say there is no church planting movement in Ukraine?

You are correct in saying that some of us realize the growth of the church has slowed.  Evangelism is not nearly as fruitful today as it was in the past.  Spiritually, Ukraine is much less receptive to our preaching.  When God is ready for them to hear, they will hear and come.  It really is His work!  Is it not?

We still struggle with finances – many of our church buildings stand unfinished.

Thank you for your friendship to Ukraine.  We love you and hope you come back soon.

Your brother in Christ,

[1] Rich Correll has been involved in Ukrainian church planting for 18 years.  He pioneered church planting and church planting training in cooperation with many Ukrainian churches.  He is currently encouraging simple, organic, reproducing churches.  Contact him at: richcpti@gmail.com


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    January 16 2009

    About the Site

    All across the world, people are gathering in small groups to serve and worship God, be family, and encourage and affect each others lives. These gatherings are called by many names including simple church, organic church, and house church. Whatever you call it, the people involved value incarnational ministry to the lost, living radically for Jesus and each other, and are willing to get rid of anything that gets in the way of being fully devoted followers of Christ.
