Letters to Nicolay 6

writing_a_letter168h.jpgDear Nicolay,

Before I get to the practical ideas that you asked for – let me first talk about the nature of change.

The decision about change often centers on not the need for change, but the rate or speed of change.  There are those who favor gradual, systematic change and there are those, like myself, who propose significant, radical change.
As I read about Christ in the gospels, I observe that he was bringing radical change to the economic, social, political, and religious cultures of his day.  Likewise, reformations of religions have also been rather radical.  Spiritual awakenings have most often been sudden and radical.  Nicolay, the Bible is full of change, which is significant:
  • Abraham was told to leave his land.
  • Noah was told to build the ark.
  • David went from a shepherd to a king.
  • The Christian faith is a total metamorphous to a new creation – II Cor. 5:17.
  • Repentance is a 180 degree change.
  • Peter had to totally change his mind to minister to Cornelius – Acts 10-11.
  • The disciples had to leave all to follow Jesus.

Why are church leaders so afraid of change which is significant?

Resistance to significant change often comes from institutional leaders.  This is what I have heard them say:
  • Change must be gradual, we do not want a revolution – this is not a good time for tension.  We fear disunity.
  • We are fearful of loosing control of our doctrine and the morals of our people.
  • We simply need to do a few things better, e.g. small groups, church planting, developing leaders, and getting people involved.
  • When God is ready, they (young people) will come to us.  It is up to Him.

As a proponent of significant change, I must admit that I do not understand the rationale behind gradual change.  I see gradual change producing more of same.
  • I see the church losing its young people and not reaching young people of the culture.
  • I see one oblast city of 306,000 people, and 125,000 young people between 15-29, and only 400 of them in the churches.
  • I see the Ukrainian culture going through radical changes in all areas of the culture.

A world without God can not wait for us to choose the safe path.  God does not call us to be domesticated, but He calls us to be people of risk, innovation, and courage.  Obedience to the status quo produces stagnation.  Obedience to being Christ-like will lead us to places we fear to go, but place where Christ, himself, would go.

Nicolay, I will continue this later.  God bless you!

Your friend in Christ,

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    October 08 2009

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    All across the world, people are gathering in small groups to serve and worship God, be family, and encourage and affect each others lives. These gatherings are called by many names including simple church, organic church, and house church. Whatever you call it, the people involved value incarnational ministry to the lost, living radically for Jesus and each other, and are willing to get rid of anything that gets in the way of being fully devoted followers of Christ.
