Letter to Nickolay # 18

Dear Nickolai,

Throughout my time as a missionary, I have often been asked, “How is it working? What are the results?” Also, I have highlighted results to show others that we were doing good stuff whether it be church planting, training, Next Generation, Simple Churches, or Drug Rehab Homes. In truth, I have been one who focuses on pragmatism and methodology. When there were results, the world was right side up. When there were disappointments with progress, there was most often a change in methods or a sense of discouragement, sometimes to the point of doubting Christ’s promises to complete His mission.

On reflection, more often than not, the work is about how Christ fits into who we are, where we are headed, what and how we are doing, and how we are blessed. This centrality of Christ is valid, but it misses the full view of Christ’s supremacy which is how we fit into who Christ is, where Christ is headed, what Christ is doing, and how Christ is blessed. That is Christ’s supremacy and brings forward the only question “Is Christ supreme?”

By way of illustration, allow me to share five simple church principles and how I missed the supremacy of Christ. I promoted simple churches because I wanted to see church reproduction and growth, and I was frustrated at the failings of the traditional churches. Therefore, we taught:

·      Participatory style gatherings – I Corinthians 14:26

·      Priesthood of all believers – I Peter 2:9

·      Authentic disciple-making – Matthew 28:18-20

·      Headship of Christ – Ephesians 1:22

·      Non-hierarchical leadership – Matthew 20:25-28; Matthew 23:9-12

Practice them and before you know it – you will have reproduction. What did I, at times, miss? I missed the supremacy of Christ. Everyone one of the principles is right only because Christ is made supreme when His people gather together.

·      When everyone participates, each using their gifts, Jesus Christ is manifested as the body builds itself up.

·      When everyone fulfills their priestly roles, Christ is glorified and manifested.

·      When disciples are made as lovers and followers of Christ, Jesus is supreme.

·      When Jesus is recognized as the head instead of a man or leader or pastor, He Christ is alone supreme.

·      When there is non-hierarchical leadership based on functions, not positions, Jesus rather than leaders is supreme – it is then all about Him – not how wonderful someone else is.

And, when it is truly all about Him, for Him, with Him, under Him, the people of God are enthused (possessed by God) to do that which we cannot manage or imagine in our own power.

Christ is all,

Rich Correll

Editors Note:

This article is a part of series of letters between Rich Correll and his friend Nikolay, in which are discussed many principles related to simple churches. Rich Correll has been involved in Ukrainian church planting for 18 years.  He has pioneered church planting and church planting training in cooperation with many Ukrainian churches.

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    September 16 2009

    About the Site

    All across the world, people are gathering in small groups to serve and worship God, be family, and encourage and affect each others lives. These gatherings are called by many names including simple church, organic church, and house church. Whatever you call it, the people involved value incarnational ministry to the lost, living radically for Jesus and each other, and are willing to get rid of anything that gets in the way of being fully devoted followers of Christ.
