Escape from christendom

Escape from christendom

For nearly twenty years, along with many others, I have prayed for, dreamed about and hoped to participate in the spontaneous expansion of the church or in a movement of rapid church reproduction – all led by the Holy Spirit as He would naturally do by His own missional nature. 

As a foundational belief and observation, I clearly see that the Holy Spirit is always willing to do His part if we, as men, will simply follow His leading and ways just as Peter did in Acts 10 and 11 and as Paul did in his entire missionary work.  I learned early in my Christian work that if we are faithful, God is always faithful to bring about expansion of His kingdom.  We are God’s method!

Recently, at a gathering of Slavic church and missions leaders, Pastor Bock, from Moscow, said that we were all captives of a system which actually hinders the work of the gospel.  We are trapped in a system, which we seem helpless to change. 

I would suggest that the system which holds so many captive is Christendom which is defined as dependence on buildings and professional clergy and the institutionalism of baptism, the Lord’s Supper and church organization.  Christendom is a sterile system which hinders the spontaneous expansion and the rapid reproduction of the church.  It allows us only to have a foretaste of the power and work of the Holy Spirit. 

So many are caught in this “matrix” of Christendom and are powerless to escape.   One large group has no idea that they are captives and would defend Christendom to the death.  Another large group understands they are captive to a system, but their every move at reform simply perpetuates Christendom as they fail to deal with core issues.  They continue to build buildings, continue starting Christendom churches at home or abroad, continue to promote academic education, or they continue building hierarchical systems. 

Every significant movement to escape Christendom or any other binding religious system is led by radicals.  Jesus was a radical to escape the bondage of Jewish legalism and dead religion.  Hudson Taylor was a radical to escape the European system of missions which colonized those who were to be reached with the gospel.  If movements were not led by radical men, they were created and spurred on by radical events such as persecution and dire poverty – China being a prime example of a great movement of spontaneous expansion spurred by persecuted. 

The Slavic Church world currently does not have such radical events, therefore, it seems that God would need to raise up radical men just like Jesus or Hudson Taylor.  God’s purpose in the Slavic world will not be denied even if a return of persecution of the church by Satan’s forces is necessary.

For those who hunger for movements of healthy churches, movements of reproduction, or a way out of crisis and stagnation, there is only one way to reach those destinations.  The only way out is for some radical men to escape Christendom and its hindering ways and by their examples lead others back to early N.T. church practices and traditions. 

Escape from the system is the only way out of the system.  Escape does not mean destruction or defamation of Christendom.  Christendom is very able to exist as it has for 1700 years.  By escaping, you simply give yourself and others the freedom to follow the Holy Spirit in ways experienced by the early church.  But be clear, no one will not be able to live in two worlds.  Each one will need to choose between Christendom and the traditions of the early church and the apostolic traditions.  Be equally clear that there is a way other than Christendom.  May God give you the spiritual eyes to see the other way! 

I know many who have escaped the system.  Their journey is often difficult.  They can lose respect, position, and income.  Their friends can be critical abandoning them.  There is a fear of being alone.  But, there is a rich, vibrant, and wonderful life outside of Christendom.

Rich Correll

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    December 02 2009

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    All across the world, people are gathering in small groups to serve and worship God, be family, and encourage and affect each others lives. These gatherings are called by many names including simple church, organic church, and house church. Whatever you call it, the people involved value incarnational ministry to the lost, living radically for Jesus and each other, and are willing to get rid of anything that gets in the way of being fully devoted followers of Christ.
