The second Reformation

luther.jpgWhen we speak of the Reformation we all think of Martin Luther, of justification by faith and
of the beginning of the Protestant Church.  What do we mean by “The Second Reformation”?  Luther
began a reformation of belief but not necessarily of structure, ie, of how we do church once we believe.
How we express church ultimately shows what we really believe!

What is religion?
  • Special people, at a special time, in a special place doing special things for me while I watch.

  • Trust in a ritual, a program, an institution rather than in my relationships with Jesus and others.
  • What is success?  How many people come to the program, the building, the meeting!
  • What is a “good Christian”?   One who is “faithful” to the meetings!
  • Result?  People are used to finance and run the programs and eventually feel used.
  • Result?  People may have much information (“good teaching”) but little maturity.
  • Result?  Churches grow (mostly by transfer) but the kingdom does not!

What did Jesus do?  How did Jesus do church?

  • He called to himself, “those that He himself wanted”, Mark 3:13.
  • He sent the multitudes away, Matthew 13:36, 14:22, 15:39, Mark 4:36, 6:45, 8:9.
  • He discipled and he commanded us to do the same, Matthew 28:18- 20.
  • Disciple?  A master would take 3 to 12 and live with them for 1 to 2 years until they did the same.
  • Hebrew education through interaction, shared life, impartation, discipline, example, life formation!
  • Not Greek education through listening to lectures to pass on information.
  • How did Jesus judge the success of his ministry?  Not numbers!  John 17!
  • He finished the work and revealed the Father to those He was given,  John 17:4 & 6.

What did Jesus teach about church? Revelation and Relationship!

  • It is built by Him on revelation of Himself, Matthew 16:17.
  • Whoever receives even one little child in His  name receives Him, Matthew 18:5.
  • Relational offence, even against one,  brings damnation & prison, Matthew 18:6- 9, 21- 35
  • Jesus seeks the one , Matthew 18:10- 14.
  • If two or three are gathered in His name, He is in the middle, Matthew 18:20.
  • Success?  Receiving one, seeking one and right relationship with one or two!

What is an equipped saint?  One who does the ministry of reconciliation!

  • Ephesians 4:9- 16, The task of the five fold is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry.
  • What ministry?  The five fold?  The job of the coach is not to raise up coaches but players!
  • The ministry of reconciliation, II Corinthians 5:12- 21.
  • Where does this ministry take place?  On the edge between light and dark.
  • Standard of success?  Win, disciple and multiply! Success is in the grandchildren!
  • A mature Christian?  One who has disciples!

What is discipleship? Process from new birth to father/mother in God!

  • Religion is matriarchal.  You give me control and I will give you the comfort of  freedom from responsibility.
  • The kingdom is patriarchal.   “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men!”
  • Growth by multiplication, not addition!  The power of one multiplied!

Steve Hill

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    September 21 2009

    About the Site

    All across the world, people are gathering in small groups to serve and worship God, be family, and encourage and affect each others lives. These gatherings are called by many names including simple church, organic church, and house church. Whatever you call it, the people involved value incarnational ministry to the lost, living radically for Jesus and each other, and are willing to get rid of anything that gets in the way of being fully devoted followers of Christ.
